Steven Nossiter

Cradle Mountain / Overland Track    February 2011

Walk review from Steven Nossiter, Cradle Mountain / Overland Track

Just returned from the Cradle Mountain trek.


What a fantastic experience and many thanks to cradle Mountain Huts for organising such a great adventure. Our guides, Will, Kinara and Jen were just terrific and worked hard to make our experience so enjoyable. How they seemed to enjoy swimming in freezing water I just don’t know!

To be able to spend six days walking through pristine rain forest and in a completely natural environment was just amazing. Climbing Mount Ossa was also a thrill and viewing this beautiful wilderness through 360〫from the top was in many ways a privilege.

We were fortunate that everyone in our group seemed to get along really well making evenings in the hut humorous, fun and with such great camaraderie an enjoyable time. Our food was delicious, weather was generally excellent and the company stimulating. Thank you all for a great adventure!

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