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I just wanted to write and tell you that we had a great walk.
Indeed I count it as one of the best experiences of my life. I won't go on about this, but feel that it is a magical place and without the 'supported model' (no tent or food carrying, with the luxury of hot showers, comfy beds and great food) it would not have been possible for me to experience the wonder of Cradle Mountain and the rest.
This is a copy of email sent to our guides following our most enjoyable Overland track experience. The Company should be very proud of these young people,and treasure their skills and competence.In addition,we were thoroughly pleased with the whole operation,from … Continue
We came down to walk the Cradle Mountain walk, but the day we arrived, a fire caused our trip to be cancelled! Luckily, there were two spots on the Bay of Fires walk and we jumped at it. It was … Continue
Our team of guides, ably lead by Katie were an absolute pleasure to be with for the 6 days. They restored your faith in the ability of our young people to go out and do their very best. Katie supplied … Continue
The Bay of Fires walk would have to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. With every step I felt reinvigorated. The beautiful scenery, fine company and local guides (so local, in fact, that one of them … Continue