Tasmanian Walking Co Blog

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We invite you to read the latest stories from our guides and staff. Even when they're regularly walking the same ground, they always find something new to discover.

News   :   July 2024

A Week In The Life of an Overland Track Guide

Ever wondered what 7-days on the track looks like from the perspective of our expert guides? Read Matilda's journal of our 7-day Cradle Mountain Signature Walk.

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News   :   July 2024

Reclaim Your Wellbeing on a Doctor's Walk

In the demanding world of medicine, your wellbeing often takes a backseat. Tasmanian Walking Company invites you to prioritize your health on our exclusive ACRRM Doctor's Wellbeing Walks.

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News   :   June 2024

A New Era of Adventure Awaits on the Three Capes Track

This isn't just a walk—it's an adventure that promises to challenge and inspire, offering unparalleled opportunities for discovery. you're going to LOVE our latest offering on the Three Capes Track.

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News   :   May 2024

This Mother's Day, Choose a Nature Walk

Take this Mother’s Day to redefine gift-giving. Connect, walk, and nurture relationships. Nature is the most beautiful setting to fill your cup and embrace quality time together.

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News   :   April 2024

Presenting our Bruny Island Long Weekend + Fat Pig Farm

Picture this: a Bruny Island getaway that marries gourmet delights with the beauty of nature. Enter our Bruny Island Long Weekend + Fat Pig Farm walk.

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News   :   April 2024

Discover the Overland Track with guided ease and adventure.

Making the Overland Track accessible with Sydney Morning Herald journalist, Michael Bachelard.

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News   :   March 2024

Your Guide to Small Group Guided Walking Tours

A small group dynamic isn't just about the numbers. It’s a catalyst for a more sustainable, beneficial, and immersive travel experience. Read the full story here.

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News   :   January 2024

Unlocking The Healing Power of Nature on the Mind

In our fast-paced, digitally driven lives, finding moments of tranquillity and mental clarity has become a precious commodity.

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News   :   November 2023

Ecotourism Gold and Tasmanian Tourism Hall of Fame!

We are delighted to share that our team have been awarded Gold in the Tasmanian Tourism Awards in their Ecotourism category for a third-year in a row! Read all about the award here

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