Tasmania's Overland Track
After just over 100kms on Tasmania's Overland Track and in the Tarkine Wilderness on the island's west coast. Of course it rained, 'cos that's what Tasmania does. An awful lot of the time. However, with Sean and Steph the SUPER guides and ten walkers aged from 38 to 69, we had a ball. Even extended to an evening's worth of 'Haiku Slam'. You know? Three lines: 5/7/5 syllables, a seasonal reference and a 'cutting' or separation between ideas or idioms in the poem. It's a sociable way of passing the evening over good food and a bottle of Tasmanian wine. Driven by the spontaneous poeticism (?) of a group of walkers slightly stunned by the beauty of the landscape.
Botanical greens
Nature's palette divine sight
Birdsong hearts delight
Windermere and Wills
Squall streaked high mountain tarns
Look for shelter fast
Jeez, my feet hurt heaps
Anymore water traps and I'll freak
I'm in way too deep
Enough of this drama!. When the sun shone this is certainly one of the most beautiful walks on the planet. Put it on your bucket list.
In colour or black and white. Doesn't matter. Rain or shine. It doesn't matter. Company and landscape is all. That and a hot shower at the end of each day. Fortunately we were traveling 'Gucci Class'. Just 8 to 10 kilo packs and food/wine/shelter/showers/drying rooms along the way courtesy of the Tasmanian Walking Company.
That's Super Guide Sean above discussing doloritic igneous rocks with Jan. And below, Super Guide Steph leading Jan up the 'Via Ferrata' to Marion's Lookout.
And to wrap it up ... the Pieman River in the Tarkine Wilderness. Can you believe it. Still at risk of clear felling. Not excluding 3500 year old Huon Pines. Gordon Bennett!!!!
That's enough for one afternoon. If you are a cyclist, you stay upright out there. And if you are sensible, you just stay safe (and dry) wherever you are.
Ciao a tutti,
Fergus & Jan, Cradle Mountain Huts Guests, March 2018