Take The Plunge
There are many moments that will take your breath away on Tasmania’s Three Capes Lodge Walk, and stepping barefoot into the clear and icy waters of Denman’s Cove as you leave the private launch to begin your journey is the first. This aquatic arrival on the shores of the Tasman Peninsula follows a brief journey from civilisation to wilderness by way of a eucalypt-lined ridge and a rocky shoreline. Once on the beach, most walkers pull on their hiking shoes, adjust their packs and make their way to the start of the four-day trek. However, our group is taking part in a Wild Wellness experience in conjunction with the Tasmanian Walking Company and so we strip to our swimming costumes, perform a brief breathing exercise and then immerse ourselves (some gingerly, others with gusto) in the 10C water with a gasp of shock.
Read more of Alix Clark's article in The Australian by clicking on the link below.